October 12, 2008


This is our Lot.
corner lot

tons of rocks!!!
jared will love landscaping this one.

Front door faces Utah Lake

They will be breaking
ground this week

October 08, 2008

I have been inspired to blog

I have been inspired to blog.
Jill and Joslin have inspired me to blog, however i do not like the name "blog".
Can't we call it an

online journal utilizing digital media

Well, that just does not have the ring i was looking for.

Utah State Fair 2008

We went to the Utah State Fair this year. Our house is so close that I have wanted to go for a while, but we never made it until 2008.

Lorkan needed a nap so he was not in the best humor. He was terrified of the cows and pigs.

But a least we got to see a huge sculpture of butter!!