January 04, 2009

"The Drive Home From Idaho" 12-26-08

hours 45 min. to get home

1 closed interstate
115 mile detour
1 sick kid
1 mean fast food worker
1 diarrhea infested diaper-leaking in the car

1 empty tank of windshield wiper fluid

white knuckling it the whole way - Priceless


  1. Ahhh! That sounds a lot like my dad and Cameron's trip on the way here the other day! (minus the diarrhea infested leaking diaper - that I know of anyway!) Cameron was super sick, and it took them 17 hours just to get from Everett to Twin Falls! Cameron did a 360 on Snoqualmie Pass too - so scary!

  2. i almost got in a huge trouble on snoqualmie pass too, very scary.

  3. What can I say, glad we didn't end up going.
